it's because you're rating #41 >> is part of the Quackulation ... beyond that i cannot say .. there was a fellow i upvoted on his # was 60 something and my vote was worth 3 whole cents. I was like ShizzzzZam !! bang scadoodle Deee Squat .. i guess when you get a higher ranking you get special perks according to the Quackulation... you are getting them now too... ALL part of the Quackulation...
I like it. lol
it's usually one cent....
Do you think you could explain how you change the value of your vote like that? I really want to know.
it's because you're rating #41 >> is part of the Quackulation ... beyond that i cannot say .. there was a fellow i upvoted on his # was 60 something and my vote was worth 3 whole cents. I was like ShizzzzZam !! bang scadoodle Deee Squat .. i guess when you get a higher ranking you get special perks according to the Quackulation... you are getting them now too... ALL part of the Quackulation...
Do you mean curation when you say Quackulation?lol
No. the curation is a different Quackulation Altogether .. !!
Do you know what would happen if a usernames curation was 0, because I am thinking of a way to make plagiarism harder work than just stealing.