But you have to have a certain mindset for creativity, because only creativity creates massive breakthroughts.
And the current adademic/educational system doesn't incentivize innovation, it's an indoctrination based system, you are not taught to question things.
The biggest innovation currently in the world, is the cryptocurrency phenomena. And that wasn't created by a conformist. Satoshi really had a out of the box mentality when creating BTC.
As a graduate of public school and college, I questioned and continue to question bitcoin. (As does one of my business partners, who has definitely thought outside the box and created something we hope will become big.)
I criticize Bitcoin too:
But otherwise I am confident in the success of cryptocurrencies in general.
Too drunk to read the entire article right now, but from this I think I might finally be getting through to you! ;)
I think Bitcoin will be an utter failure at it's actual goal of being a currency. It's an investment vehicle and always will be.
Something will come along using the concepts of bitcoin though, which might be viable as a currency. Not sure I agree that Bitcoin is corporate backed (no idea where you're getting that from) but there are corporate backed projects working on cryptocurrency that fixes some of the technical limitations of bitcoin.