I will start this article series to explore the deep philosophical mysteries of the Universe and analyze the effects of these having on our day to day lives, and to society as a whole. I will debunk a lot of things that people take for granted to be true but are actually false. I have been thinking about many things, and I have found some solutions to some problems but first people need to understand what causes the problems, and it basically boils down to a false worldview that people are entangled in.
My basic metaphysical theory is the following:
Yes it all boils down to this. Is there an objective reality? My answer is that there isn't. It might sound crazy at first, but if you give it a deep thought, then it is not, in fact it makes perfect sense.
- Well what about the speed of light, water freezing at 0 degrees Celsius, cosmological constant ,etc?
Well they actually don't prove Objectivity
, they only prove Persistence
, there is a major difference between objective things
and persistent subjective things
. Besides water freezing at 0 degrees is not even a constant, it can be changed if the pressure is different. So the same can be true for the speed of light as well, just because the current physics models doesn't address this problem, that doesn't mean that what physics is today is correct.
It all boils down to relativity, my theory is that there is only a subjective reality, and it's relativistic to eachother, and what we call objective is just an aggregation of relative subjective relationships.
This brilliant person, has discovered relativity in physics, that was shocking at that time, but it's not anymore:

People laughed at him and ridiculed him, but in the end he was proven right. Einstein was truly a genius, but he only applied the Theory of Relativity to Physics. I would like to take it further, and apply it to everything, because it really applies to everything.
So just because scientific theories today say otherwise, that doesn't mean that they are correct, because they constantly evolve based on new data and analysis. In my experience of being a market quantitative analyst for quite a few years, I have also not found proof of objectivity in finance. Because all models change, there are probably no constants in the Universe either, it's just that their rate of change is so slow that we don't perceive it.
So why would the speed of light be a constant, it can just as likely be a variable that changes very slowly, or it changes in a way that we can't observe it. We rely on measurement instruments do measure things, but if the instruments change, then we are in the dark, and can never measure anything accurately.
It's just like if you have a CD disk that has a SHA-256 sum so that you can verify the integrity of the data. But later the CD gets damaged and the SHA-256 sum will be different. But how do you know that the original SHA-256 sum was correct? What if the CD got damaged while the hash was calculated? See, you can never know anything for certain. This is my philosophy.
The universe constantly changes, there is thermodynamic entropy, and things decay over time. That means that your measurement devices decay too, so you can never measure objective things with subjective sensors. Your eye vision decays, your brain gets damaged, the measurement device falls apart, everything changes, therefore the precision of our measurements will always be very limited.
What we experience in the world is all being filtered through our very limited sensors like our 5 senses, and our mind, it is all subjective, and there is no way to objectively measure anything, because objectivity as such doesn't exist.
If many of us agree on something, that is called a consensus, so if 7 billion people agree that gravity is pulling them down, that is a subjective consensus, but not an objective phenomena, because maybe what we perceive as gravity, is perhaps something totally different, it's just that we cant perceive it in any other way through our limited senses.
Great post but if I could add one thing it would be this... Reality is change within ourselves that we seek to see in the world but fail to realize. :D Namaste~!
Excellent perspective. This especially related to me when you put this into the perspective of humanity seeing only a snapshot of the Universe. That is what tied in your idea of the laws of nature changing over the probably huge vastness of what the Universe was before, and will be after the human perception of it.
I have recently been intrigued by the idea that we could be perceiving everything relatively slowly, almost frozen in time. Imagine what the Rocky Mountains would look like if you could watch them over a million years! The crust of the Earth would be flowing like an ocean.
Indeed. Time is subjective as well, we all experience time subjectively.
And what we call "objective time", being 1 second = radiation of Cesium 133 atom, well how do you know that the Cesium atom radiates at the same intervals? If you measure it, how do you know that the measurement device is correct? How do you know that your interpretation of the measurement is correct? See it all boils down to subjectivity in the end...
@profitgenerator, awesome post my friend. this world is an amazing mystery and steemit is just another journey.
Steemit is probably the best platform where I can share this content.