@tarazkp Wow one of your best posts/thoughts ever. I was at the exact same point. But you can only talk to people about this if they are ready for the objective view on good and bad, who understand that "the universe" doesn't know good and bad/right and wrong and valueing of any kind, just causality. Most people don't even want to think about it because they strawman your point with the idea that you have said there is no right and wrong and that you said it's ok to kill somenone, which you simply didn't. You just wanted to show how the linear binary concept of good and evil is man-made and needs a lot of analysis and open-mindedness to not do bad in the name of good. There are just a few people who think that deep. Those people are rare as fck. That's why i absolutly am in love with you now, man!! 😍😆👍
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