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RE: Do You Know the Origin of Love?

in #philosophy7 years ago

In freshman year college we all had to take a western cannon class which mostly sounded pretty boring. Each one had a theme though and while many were war or philosophy based I chose the one on love. Best uni class decision I ever made. Had an amazing gay professor who threw his tie over his shoulder all the time and while everyone else was reading The Republic we got to read The Symposium. So I was prepared when I saw Hedwig.


Yessss. The Symposium over the The Republic any day. What a neat way to structure the classes, I like the idea of taking a theme! I would have chosen this one too. Thanks for stopping by and reading. :)

Yeah it was called the "Thematic Option" at USC and I really appreciated that they did it this way. If you have to be in a year long "classics" class at least give it an angle!

I imagine it really helps with student buy-in by keeping it relevant and interesting to the individual. Interesting. Thanks again for dropping by. :)