There is a push now towards the open-access world of scientific/academic publishing. Although much of research is still behind paywalls a lot of academics are putting the pre-print pdfs on sites like researchgate or or their own personal websites. If you know where to look you can often find the pdfs. But it's not a universal practice. They're still going to do whatever it takes to pad their cvs and get a job. And the writing itself is too inaccessible to the public because it's written in a dense technical fog that your average person is incapable of reading. While I don't believe science should dumb itself down for the public, the writing itself almost always leaves room for improvement in terms of the clarity and readability.
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Its a good start, as the internet provides more and more potential funding through interacting with the general public there will be a noticable shift in the audience these journals are directed towards.
Its a slow process with a lot of peoppe fighting against it, but I cant wait to see how the world is in 10-15 years. The internet is truly a remarkable thing.