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RE: What Turns You On?

in #philosophy8 years ago

That is SUCH a complex question... I'd probably need more space to answer it than your original post! I love the raw sincerity and... intimacy... of your question.

The first thing that came to mind was that it's a very contingent question, in the sense that my answer at 25 would have been very different from my answer today, at 56.

In describing that root energy, one basic element for me is that all other things cease to exist, at least in that moment. That's how I recognize an "it" moment. It's that movie technique where we focus on you and start the film rolling from 4 feet away.... and then roll the camera back while concurrently zooming in to where YOU stay the same, but there's this amazing foreshortening of all the surroundings.

Even though I'm male, that intense moment of energy has been rare in my life... "kinda-sorta-nearly" is fairly common, but the full 100% over the top is NOT. And those 100% moments have sometimes been strange; fleeting, utterly unexpected; baffling... like a 45-minute Southwest Airlines flight I was on, stone sober, not deliriously exhausted... not paying attention when a flight attendant asks me if I want something to drink-- some combination of her voice, her scent and her physical appearance took me from "distracted" to... quite literally... "I want her to have my children!" in a split second. The moment was so powerful I can replay it in glorious technicolor, in my mind, even 20 years later.

No, nothing happened... and that's not significant; it's energy behind that moment that makes it so significant. And that's where we loop back to your discussion... that moment has been a "benchmark" of sorts, for me, of what peak (sexual) energy feels like... those brief intersections where everything aligns perfectly. Going back to the young woman, for a moment... it wasn't actually about sex, it transcended that... any typical guy thoughts of "I want to see her naked" were pushed in the background by something stronger.

I don't know if I am making sense here... but I think the ultimate creative force-- which also applies to artistic creativity-- comes from that deeper place; it originates from our Root Chakra, from the place of All There Is (or actual sexuality tends to come more from our Sacral) where we connect to the Earth and Universal energy (or "God" or whatever floats your boat).

OK, so that was a pretty long ramble... thanks for the journey!


You make perfect sense here @reddragonfly! I agree that those completely disarming 100% focus moments are rare and stunning. So far it seems to me that by igniting that sexual life force, that physical vitality, that fueled focus more often and at will even if none of them are at 100%, these moments that are highly charged might come more regularly.However, I'm new at this so who knows what I'll say in a year. Anyway, thanks for your thoughtful comment, I love the ramble.