Simplicity is the Art of Sophistication

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

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Drop your opinionated mind and move inside. There, you can relax into your own deepest truth, where the difference between dreams and reality is already known.


This quote above is deep - if you see and understand the movement. The Stop. It's a Breath. When we are too much in mind we are not inside. We are in a holding position without awareness. The consequence is stress and strain on to our bodies as like the accident of non-awareness and not looking/knowing what we are doing.

Tuning into Breath is a very simple move. We are always doing it. We can't not breathe. So it's a point of awareness in checking self and actually takingresponsibility to play with our movement which stems from breath as like the core strength of our body.. Everything stems from the core.

When and as you catch yourself going into a bother of opinionated attention of mind - you are at a point of change - the change comes in one instance in deciding to take that next breath with awareness and breathe as the whole body here. Creating the very stance and standing of change.

Our "bothers" are mostly non issues we've made into issues as a result of where we've created stances within ourselves of instability. Start tuning into and playing with the postured positions and recognize and realize that breath awareness is a sublte and simple move to return to balance and structure.


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i like this sweet....