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RE: The Desperation for Change and the Desire to Happen 'NOW'

in #philosophy8 years ago

One of the biggest problems is that people live with the illusion the there are political solutions for social and economic problems. Politicians are only as good as the people that pay to get them elected... they rarely if ever represent the interests of their constituents. They represent their owners, the ones that pay the enormous sums it takes to get elected (For a senator, for example, it takes $7500 per day for the 6 years in office to mount a successful re-election campaign)... it's to huge multinational corporations they owe their allegiance.

When the people see their needs (or wants) go unrewarded, they act out, either with violence, or at the very least, electing someone else. The role of the MSM is to present a false narrative to control the sheep and preserve the corporatist govt. (You know, the Nazi model)


Yeah it's all we know, trapped in the memory of before and the present that we keep creating into the future. We're not looking to understand how things can be different from the flawed foundation we accept without question. Thanks for the feedback.