The mushroom web, the collective consciousness, the 100th monkey and now the blockchain all seem to be aspects of our growing quantum understanding.
When I was watching the Hood video, I could see how they could all be drawn together from their disparate places (or is it called superposition?) and once connected they light up like majestic visionaries.
So interesting to contemplate that the above ground psilocybin might be perceived as extra terrestrial too :) need to think about that one.
If you missed this post, please take a look as I think you will love the art work Sean and his friends produce -
Thank you for this piece @perceptualflaws I had to sleep before completing my reading of it, which was no bad thing as I enjoyed the processing time.
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Hey @ricia as always I greatly appreciate all your support and I'm so glad my writing resonated with you.
Yes I'm completely with you regarding the relationship between consciousness, the 100th monkey, the blockchain and indeed the internet. We seem to be subconsciously manifesting and reinterpreting a multitude of divine processes and patterns. Equally what are we building towards? To me that's a fascinating idea that I will be exploring and focusing upon that very concept as the year moves on.
Perhaps we're in the process of creating and linking multiple layers of reality and drawing ourselves into a singularity, equally perhaps there are multiple dimensions of singularity and this process has been occuring for eternity .. so many possibilities, indeed perhaps endless lol
As I wrote in a different reply: Certain mushroom spores may have been carried to earth by asteroids from planets destroyed billions of years ago .. I wonder what stories they might have to tell ;)
Thank you for the link my friend. I will be sure to take a look .. I love shamanistic art and wish I could draw! lol