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RE: Speak right, act wrong

in #philosophy8 years ago

We all believe "perfect" things and claim to strive for ideals. We are all quite capable of mental compartmentalization which separates our actions from our supposed beliefs and values. On top of this, we sometimes know what the right thing to do but our egoism and weak wills get the better of us and we do something that we know contradicts with our supposed values because we have something to gain from it.

I don't know what is true or untrue but for me personally I have found the more I explore my behaviors and beliefs, the more conflict I find and upon the discovery, change can take place.

I think that is a great takeaway from your post. I personally know that there are things I should be doing that I'm not doing yet. For instance, I'm embarrassed to confess that I'm still a vegetarian while I know that I should be vegan instead. But it's easier and more pleasant to remain a vegetarian and I keep putting off the change.