Thank you for replying to my comment @andywong31! No need to feel like you're butting in, haha, any and all engagement with my comments is not only welcome, but truly appreciated! Thank you for considering my comment worthy of a response, it really means a lot to me! It's true, failure has such a negative stigma in today's society, and people often feel like they will be looked down on if they fail at something that they do/try to do. But nothing in life ever comes without risk, and truly, the best things in life are worth taking that leap of faith!
The most successful businessmen and women are the ones who have failed and failed and failed and kept on going and kept on trying until they found something that stuck. It truly takes that kind of winning mindset to advance and progress in life, and we as a society need to shift away from stigmatizing failure and making people feel inadequate for their failed projects. We need to instead be congratulating the efforts they make and reassuring them that they just need to keep on trying and keep on learning from their failures until they finally accumulate the knowledge and experience they need to really get one of their projects to take off. Failure is a beautiful thing because it can become a catalyst for real success.
Its my pleasure bro! For me, success is the culmination of all the failures a person had gone thru in his endeavor. Rarely can you hear a story of successful people without them experiencing failure at one point or another. Thank you for taking the time to reply on my comment too bro. Appreciate it!
Amen to that! That's why failures should be looked at not as a stopping point, but as a learning point. The key to succeeding is never losing sight of the end goal despite all the failures you might come across on your way to get there :)