
in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Many of us have found our lives breaking down - whether in career & finances, relationships, or personal matters. Many of us are finding the security we thought we had to be an illusion, with our paradigms being shattered and left put in the cold to start from scratch.

On a collective level, we're approaching economic collapse like none seen before. So many changes are underway affecting us in ways we can't even yet see, though we can be certain of the uncertainty ahead; we can be confident that the old ways of doing things will no longer work, an it's time to take all this "co-creation" stuff seriously to take control of our destinies - personal & as a whole...

While many of us have focused on the crises, loss, and chaos, perhaps we'd be best off turning our attention to the opportunities available to create sustainable gain, order, and a truer wealth. As we look past the "negative," we may begin to see a universe of "positive" possibilities in which we can restore a harmonious way of living with each other, our planet, and ourselves. As we release ourselves from the weight of emotional burdens generated by the growing pains of change, we can start uncovering the wealth inside of us and bring it forth into the world through soul service to shape our reality into something more in alignment with who we really are and what we're intended for...

A potential benefit of breakdown and loss is the chance to discover what is really most valuable to us; with the old cleared out of our lives, there is the space to look deep and find the real priorities of our hearts. So much of our lives & world has been governed by the mind & the ego's thinking. So many of us have lusted after what our societies & cultures have told us is "normal," acceptable, and desirable. Too many of us have led by others' opinions, biases, and ego-based values, that we've failed to reconnect with your most authentic, true selves - making our decisions and choices from a place influenced by outside forces rather than having been directed by spirit.

Much of the breakdown we are experiencing is because what we've built is out of integrity with the natural, Divine law of the universe. We've been compromising our highest values, consciously or not. We haven't been being true to ourselves or each other. And thankfully, we've reached the point where that which hasn't been working is being put to an end, so we can heed the wisdom of a higher power and restructure ourselves, our relationships, and our world...

Those of us on the path to empowerment and a higher consciousness are now being called - to examine ourselves and confess where we've missed the mark; how we've dishonored ourselves & each other; what we've been doing and thinking that has resulted in such breakdown; and why we've been holding ourselves back from living our lives according to higher standards.

Here is the opportunity to rebuild from scratch. Let's leave ego, greed, selfishness, and fear aside - now, what is it we truly desire to create for ourselves, our relationships, and the world?

What impact do we want to have in the world? What would bring out the greatest passion & joy and most illuminating inspiration from within? What legacy would we prefer to choose to leave? What type of lives & world must we create for the light within us to shine its brightest?

What paradigms can we develop and adopt that will enable us to fulfill our highest, most sincere, soulful intentions - that will allow for the use of our knowledge, wisdom, talents, passion, and resources in the development of better, sustainable results?

Out of chaos, comes order. Now, we have the choice to remain at mercy of change, or become conscious and rebuild that order. Either way, we can't stop change. Though, the more in tune we get with our core spirit and the deeper we learn the lessons in our "failures," the more empowered we will be to rebuild our lives, relationships, and world with a solid foundation that can stand the test of time...

~ written April 2011


I very much agree with you, @rok-sivante! Many of us are afraid to start again and we cling to maintain or follow a path that is not, just because we are afraid, lazy to start again. It is as if with the years people resign us and we lose the impetus of the youth that each day begins a new battle. How many of us settle for the person we have, even if we don't love him or her, just because we are afraid to look for someone else? How many of us continue in the same work without any pleasure just because we feel that we won't find something better? And our life is gone with the relationship half broken, with the work half broken, and in the end the half broken is you. Nice afternoon!

And it's never ending! I've realised this, i struggled in the past just feeling like my life was full of much more turmoil than most and seemed to have such a breakdown/re-adjustment every couple of years or so. Each time thinking, ah there we go all sorted I can carry on with my life now.

If you're on a path of progression there will be another, and another, and another and that took some getting used to. But it's good, can seem overwhelming when you play the comparison game of your life vs other peoples lives, but actually nothing would bore me to death more if i am honest, than going to work and watching TV and never learning anything new, never being so emotionally challenged and then finding the light, discovering at each turn the immensity of the universe/the world and my mind. I wouldn't really be without it. And this time, i have realised that this will always be the case for as long as i stay on this path. And i chose to stay, so maybe this will make it a bit less bumpy next time, and i can be more accepting of it as a teaching assistant.

It'd be better if we could try to increase the efficiency of our present values by creating vacuum for others to benefit and contribute to its growth. Then, we'll be able to establish ourselves in the world... Great Post Boss!👏👏

Rebuilding is one of the hardest in the World, speaking from experience. It is difficult to recover from a life altering set back, but if we indeed let go of some of the negative externalities influenced by others and focus on our inner values, it is possible.

I lost a job at a multinational comp and for a year I was not myself. It took everything to bounce back from that and learn to trust the process

yea most times we dwell on the past and negatives forgeting its time to move forward by rebuilding from the scratch. going back to the drawing board and retrospection are importants if we must move on . thanks

Am at this point in my life too. Am trying to rebuild it, because I realized that I was at the wrong path in life.

Am happy that I realized, because many have not realized and so they are continuing following the wrong path in life.

I feel the power of the time and the call for healing myself and the world. Never before I felt more on a mission to make the best out of my life and opportunity. I am so much looking forward to SteemFest and Anarchapulco as I believe these events will be massive milestones for liberating ourselves.

Lovely write up
To everyone who must have experienced a break down in life must say it's indeed painful and disheartening but at the same time there are lots of lessons to be learnt from a break down.
We should use the lessons to build a promising future

life is full of obstacles, depending on us how to deal with it.