I have been thinking for a few weeks that I wish to change the focus of my minnows project (see @accelerator) - perhaps the new strapline should be: The MAP Room, Navigating Consciousness.
What is really lacking is a map of consciousness. For example, Tibetan Buddhism has such a map so that any experience can be placed in a context and investigated further. In our current culture, such things are obfuscated by psychology on one side and neuroscience on the other - one limited, the other too technical - although both could be helpful.
I love the idea. We need more and more interdisciplinary spaces and platforms in which people from different areas of research and experience can come together to openly discuss matters such as consciousness. People who have directly experienced altered states of consciousness together with scientists, consciousness researchers and philosophers. Now we all know that Science has hit a brick wall when it comes to explaining consciousness because of its very limited paradigm of looking at it as something 'outside' of us or an emergent property of matter when in fact it is one of the most fundamental properties of the Multiverse; more fundamental that space-time. Everything is consciousness. So an evolving map of consciousness is much neeed I suppose .