Your mother is exactly right. A lot of my friends and I constantly joke about being jacks of all trades and masters of none as especially when we were younger we all knew a lot about a lot of things but were not particularly good at any of them. I think it's pretty normal when you're young (like how you wanted to be awesome at all these things that caught your interest as a kid) but then we got old and started specialising in the things that we were particularly interested in.
Don't see it as necessarily a bad thing to try a bit of everything if you haven't quite figured out what "your thing" is yet, that's how you find it ;D
And hey if we can hack RPGs (when I used to GM I always used to hack the system I was using sometimes on the fly to make the game more fun/interesting/suit the character builds my players wanted to do a little bit better) I don't see why we shouldn't be able to hack life ;D

Oh I think that we all should try a lot of things until finding DA thing, it's not that we are born with that answer. The world is simply too big and offers too many possibilities to know exactly what we need. And it also evolves a lot, so there is no way for our biology part to know what to do in life since the moment zero.
Hahaha, why you think we like so much RPGs? Because it is life it self but with absolute power of choice! We can even go back in time and change our actions! That s why!
In life time doesn t stop and actions have consequences beyond our control and comprehension, this is why sometimes we can't handle it and feel overloaded and upset.