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RE: If there is a God, why do so many bad things happen? @ecotrain QOTW

in #philosophy7 years ago

Nothing is good or bad in itself; everything depends on our thinking.

William Shakespeare said this a long time ago and nothing has changed.

To give you an example on 9/11 there were people cheering with joy in Arab countries (where many Arabs have been killed by US bombs) while there were people crying in America. One group called 9/11 good and the other group called it bad. So, who is right?

In fact there is no right or wrong. Only perspective.

If it had not been for the 2nd World War my father wouldn't have met my mother, so while I don't think violence is ever the solution, I cannot put these kind of labels on an event which led to my birth. By the way he was an american soldier posted in the Philippines!

When we look deep into ourselves we see that we all have the power to change our perspective and find the positive aspects of ALL the events in our lives :)


some people, like extremists, would feel joyful in such cases, but the majority would not. Americans might have cheered when Bin Laden was supposedly found and killed, but would they also have cheered if the whole town would have been burned down? I don't think so. I'm a little disappointed that not more people can see propaganda for what it is. Make the people in those countries look bad by showing footage of people cheering and dancing on the streets, will surely do the trick. And it did. Divide and conquer. The oldest trick in the book. Westerners hate Islam, probably more than Islamic people hate us. Because of those videos. They seldom portray truth. Think about it, there are so many of them, if they truly hated us so much, we wouldn't be here...I agree with what you are saying here @samstonehill. But one thing has to be mentioned. The only reason we 'know' that people were cheering with joy in Arab countries, is because the mainstream media showed it to us. Portray them as savages who cheer when thousands of people die. And I don't doubt that

You're so wonderful sir. Great perspective!
