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RE: Consciousness is a HARD PROBLEM... why? | Casually Curious E1

in #philosophy7 years ago

Now this is the kind of philosophy I've been hoping to see more of on Steemit! I won't have time to watch the video until tomorrow (Australian time), but in the interim, you've got an upvote, a resteem, and a new follower.

BTW, I'm a big fan of David Chalmers, as well as Frank Jackson, whose work deeply influenced him.


Thanks for the feedback!! We'll have to find some fellow enthusiasts of the more academic flavors of philosophy and form a community around that sort of content.

And no way! Then you'll love part 2 of this convo! We talk about Mary the Color Scientist, Jackson's famous thought experiment. I wrote my senior "thesis" (dissertation-lite) on the Knowledge Argument. I was fascinated by it... that thought experiment does maybe the best job I've ever encountered articulating the hard problem.

Thanks again for the feedback and follow! More to come :)

Forgot to resteem until this morning - oops!

Part of why I have a soft spot for Jackson is that he came to my uni to give a talk on consciousness, and we had a beer afterwards - he seems like a genuinely nice guy - but that's true of pretty much everyone I've met from ANU. He was also the honours supervisor for a friend and former student of mine, which I thought was pretty cool.

I nearly wrote my PhD on Chalmers' approach to the hard problem, as he put it forward in The Conscious Mind. But it was too late for me as I'd caught a bad case of Wittgenstein and ended up writing 85,000 words on why Saul Kripke was wrong about linguistic meaning.

I just saw your profile I didn't realize you were a professor! Now I have some reading assignments haha your dissertation looks very interesting. I just recently bought Naming and Necessity and I'm trying to slug through it, which requires relearning logic (I sort of went the "least amount of work sufficient to pass" route for that class). Also reading his bio and discovering he was a child genius does not do much for confidence haha

I was hoping I might find some real-life philosophers on Steemit... if you're open to it I'd be thrilled to interview you on my podcast Casually Curious!

Very jealous you met Jackson btw...

Ha! Thanks for the promotion! I've got a PhD, and lots of experience, but not tenure. I don't even have an ongoing position at the moment. I'm more at the level of precariously-employed sessional academic who should put more effort into writing for peer-reviewed publication!

That said, I hope I meet the threshold for 'real-life philosopher'. Happy to talk about doing something on your show, even if I'm not a giant of the field.

If you are looking for other philosophers, you might talk to @nobyeni too.