For me personally i consider eating meat a luxury NOT a necessity - a want and not a need. Humans do not need to eat meat in order to survive though many people believe that they do. For instance, many people believe that they need to eat meat in order to get protein which is not at all true. Protein is found in everything - rice has 6 of the 7 amino acids that humans need to survive and legumes have the complementary one that rice lacks. People can get all of their protein by simply combining vegetarian foods. When I hear people saying that you cant get protein from a plant based diet I often think "well there must be a lot of protein in grass because somehow a 400lb bull or horse can survive off of eating nothing but grass" lol
Eating meat is a mindset that is worth reconsidering. I'm not saying that no one should eat meat since that is a personal choice for each individual to decide for them self. But reducing one's meat consumption is something to think about.
Anyway, nice post. You raise a lot of good questions :) followed
Peace and LoveLove and I can't see Love in taking a Life unless you are protecting. I'm not trying to push anything on anyone, but, I will try to force people to think. I Love your response and thanks for the follow. @sassypuffin The only luxury of eating meat is not having to raise it, take care of when it is sick, supply food for it, to turn around and kill it. The purest form of human will cry and have nightmares unless you trick them that it was OK. You are right, meat is the last thing that we need to survive. Life is about
Eat the grass, not the cow.
haha yeah :)