"Because my argument is practical, pragmatic, and consequentialist, I would ask anyone who favors the alt-right to make a case for how racial identity will promote the long term survival of the individual and the species?"
Why do people on the alt-right need to answer this? The left uses racial identity too. They disagree about why the different outcomes occur and about what the solution should be, but it's not as tho the left and people in general aren't using racial identity and the alt-right is.
If anything it seems the alt-right would be happy to give up on racial identity, since their political ideas are de facto accomplished when none of the rules factor in what race you are. It's their opponents (affirmative action etc) who rely on seeing race.
I share your post-racial, individual view of it, but it's essentially a non-sequitur from the alt-right IQ argument. If Bob and Fred are both trapped in a basement, yes it would be best to not be trapped in a basement, but if they argue about what makes the most sense inside that basement, you can't single out one of them and be like "I ask why you want to be trapped in a basement" .. they both are assuming that construct, so it's just a manipulative way to favor one side.