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RE: Can Science Tell Us Right From Wrong?

in #philosophy8 years ago

I've spent quite a few years thinking through the idea of moral prescriptions, and moral judgments myself, but being quite young (only 23) I don't have much of the well-readness and experience/wisdom of those who've come before me. And as being an atheist for quite some time it's been hard to come up with a framework to explain plausible ethics. However, I have not turned to STEM fields to try and explain or reconcile what is "right or wrong", but more so ascribe it to philosophy.

Sam Harris has definitely been an inspiration for my framework, as I agree with pragmatism to an extent. But where I take it is more towards pragmatic ethics, coupled with utility ethics (not sure if this is real, but if not then I've coined a new thing...woot). You could almost say that it's a form of pragmatic utilitarianism of ethics. ;P