Great post. I was thrown off my allotment because I refused to paint the shed the obligatory black or brown. During my sojourn, I was adopted by the old fellers who left me little gifts (cuttings, compost, seed potatoes) and always called me to the big shed for a cup of tea (they had a whistling kettle so everyone knew when it was time) if I was down there in the morning.
Oh dear - I've heard about allotment politics - on mine it's two old guys (one of whom is 90) who 'hate' each other because one of them keeps leaving the gate wide open. The other insists that it's always shut.
Generally though its been a great place to be. Some people have been there 30 years +
Yes. I've just noticed that you've tagged your post with philosophy. I like that. Look forward to seeing your new garden plans.