The "loose-leadership you describe at MSP triggered a memory from when I was younger. I used to have this thing called "want-to-have-to." The many obligations that we feel forced into fall under "have-to-have-to," but to have to do something because you are inspired, moved, and willing- Then you have to do it because you want to.
I'm grateful to know that there are no heavy expectations of me when I'm online. Sometimes I'm freaking over something, but I still chill around because I am not being told that I have to do this, or that. I can be myself!
Everyone contributing to MSP on discord is there because they want to be to help grow the community and other Steemians, but everyone is still respected as an individual- tbh, I'm mostly there just to hang out and procrastinate my homework xD
"we are generally willing to consider the perspective of the others and not take disagreements as a personal attack."
^ This is the most important thing, and I feel that it provides a level of respect where any one person doesn't have to feel that their idea is dumb, and will receive some level of consideration.
By boxing people into being a certain way, you limit the capabilities, creativity, and potential of all initiatives and projects. Now that you mentioned it, Minnow Support is an expansive and voluntaryist network of people from every background and skill level.
Good shit~
Agreed, it's pretty amazing how much we accomplish with so little structure.