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RE: It's not Them, it's Us.

in #philosophy7 years ago

As a species in modern times, we have given up on believing being good at something is valuable unless that good helps achieve the gaining of more of something material. Good deeds and skills that don't provide material satisfaction or entertainment value are not worth our hard earned scratch.

Am happy you said in modern times. It didn't use to be like this. Things changed so fast but who are we to blame?

The economy is hard and all people want to do it feed. Nobody is ready to do anything now for passions sake or just for the fun of it. To survive , you need to be paid for what you have to offer.

So I think it's our decaying society that caused this so we can't blame people for trying to make ends meet with the gifts and talents they have.


Things changed so fast but who are we to blame?

We can really only blame ourselves for giving up responsibility and therefore agency to those who promised to make our lives easier.