Hi Everyone!
I was watching some DTube video's and came across this post YES!! We are free......are we?! I started to write a comment and realized I was soon running out of room in the tiny box so I made this post in answer to his question. I then derailed a tad.
I thought it was an interesting topic to share so I am.
His (@freedompoint) question: "We are free......are we?!"

My Answer
I don't think anyone is truly free.
If you gave up everything you have you still are not free because you need to eat, sleep and go to the restroom. All things that you count on others to provide unless you build, hunt and go in the woods but then you are back to working for what you need and again that takes away your freedom.
So I think in life you have to choose your freedoms. What makes you happy. What gives you hope and so on.
But those things can bring up being content and when content a person can become stagnant and not grow.
Not growing your life, brain and body can lead to an elder life that can be, for most, harder.
Then for me, the question becomes is anything really free?

Something close to home for us all is Steemit. Steemit is free to sign up for. It's free to write any kind of posts you want though it ceases to become free if you want to make money at it. The amount of time, research and planning to make a go of Steemit all costs you money as in your time spent writing, reading, and researching posts.
Then there is the fact that people are free to disagree with what you write and there are different mechanisms in place to show someone that you disagree with what they have said. Some of those ways harsher than others. Some ways that some might abuse but for most you are free to post anything that comes to mind as long as it's original.
Now, what is original? Are there really new thoughts? New concepts or is the word new another word for relearning things of old long forgot?

Which leads back to Steemit. Are any posts really original? I think some posts are better worded than others. Why I like DTube. Some people are better at talking about concepts they want to get across then they are writing about it. See this post here
This is a man sitting in his car bringing up very deep thoughts, so deep I went to answer him and I found I had too many words to just write a comment about what he was saying as I had said above.
I also don't think I would have had the same reaction to his question if I had not heard him speak. He, with voice and inflection, brings out in an easy manner his true feelings and thoughts very well.
Which leads me to this question: IS the ART of verbal communication getting lost?

My Dad was a perfect example of someone that knew how to communicate very well verbally. He once had a job for a day selling commercial cleaning chemicals. He went on his first call. The man bought everything he had. Barrels full. He then asked my Dad how long he had been selling this product and my Dad who never believed in not telling the truth asked the man what time it was. The man said whatever time it was and my Dad came back with "well, Bob it's been 2 hours now!" They both laughed and went out for lunch.
Now not everyone should be a salesman but the idea of people getting together and talking and storytelling is slowly being lost with more and more things on the internet. Most people don't have time to watch a video but through their day they can glace here and there at a well-written article. Understandable.
My worry is, with all the freedom we have to choose what we want and how we achieve the goal of gathering that information, the ART of human interaction is being lost.
That to me is a very scary concept. I hope and pray I am wrong.
Let me know your thoughts!
Much Love!
P.S. and now you know a little bit more how my mind works lolll
*All images are my own

I think I'm going to answer with the same quote I left from Robert A. Heinlein on @freedompoint's post:
We are all free because we all have freedom of choice. Sometimes those choices can lead us into bondage, but sometimes they can lead to more freedom. It's all a matter of personal perspective.
So yes, I'd say I'm free because for the most part I always get to choose and no one can take that away from me. Good or bad outcome, the choice is always mine.
LOVE this!!! Thank You for sharing it with me!!
I think we are losing the art of communication. We have forgotten how to interact in person. Because of many online platforms and instant messaging apps, people are getting lazy and using short forms and clipped conversations. We no longer see the person we are chatting to. I have been in business interviews and have been appalled by the speech patterns of the interviewees. These are supposedly professionals applying for a professional position. Kids today use their cell phones to text their parents at the dinner table! They can't interact on a one to one level without consulting their phones. What will they be like in another 10 years?
My last job before I had to stop working was at my local Library. Part of my job was checking people out and I LOVED it and people seemed to like me too. My co-workers would get upset because if there was a long line and people would come out to help........ most of the people in line would say they would wait because they wanted ME to check them out.
Not that I was better at it but because I talked to them. Nothing earth-shattering, just small talk but for most, it was the only time they got out.
My favorite man came in drunk, he was old.........come to find out he had just lost his wife and wasn't handling it very well. From slowly taking to him over the course of a few weeks he stopped drinking and started walking more and still came to the Library and we would chat........now that everyone else knew his story they would chat with him too.......
He then got out more and found old friends and one old friend had a place in Florida so he would go there for the Winter. I would get postcards from him sent to the Libray and I would share them all around.
So a little "Hello" can mean a lot to a person and so many seem to forget that.......
and I almost wrote another post lolll
Hope you are having a wonderful day!!!
I am glad you didn't write the other post!
HA!That bad huh? lolll
:D thanks for reading and commenting!! :D and I hope you are having a wonderful day!!!
I was half expecting him to sell refrigerators to the Eskimo, that takes a lot of talk I have been told.
Calling in sick verbally also allows the background noise to be heard,
being sick at the cricket/baseball won't be easy to believe. By text, it sounds legit.
In a Horticultural business, the fun is trying to understand what parts of what machine the customer wants, usually takes much arm waving, looking on the shelves to see what they want, then argue how much they should pay for it, less for cash of course.
My best was half an hour on the phone. sending a couple of grands worth of parts based on the colour the machine might have been painted when it was newer.
they didn't come back, thank goodness.
hehehehe knowing my Dad.........he very well could have. They would have felt sorry for him dressed in his suit and suit coat and dress shoes he always wore lolll He even mowed the law like that and the neighbors would laugh and say he was the best-dressed mower in the neighborhood...........back in the days where all the men on a Saturday morning got up and mowed their lawns.
Lucky for us our neighbor was an Electrician and would help us when needed!!! :D
THIS is VERY impressive!!!! talking on a phone and trying to figure out what a person REALLY needs is a very impressive trait to have!!
The joys of pigeon English, a lot of Chinese and Indian immigrants would come to NZ, rent some farmers paddock, and turn it into a market garden, [green vegetable grower], they would work 28 to 30 hours a day and average 8 days a week. This left little time to learn to speak English. The only words that were totally understandable were the not suitable for mixed company ones.
The Levin [1 hour south by car] growers used one of the senior members as an interpreter, he was good, in normal conversation every 10th word started with F. When he was telling you what he wanted it rose to every 5 th word. When it was time to discuss the price, the only word you could understand was F
Then "How much for one?"," How much for two?", "How much for cash?" with the hand pulled from the pocket, filled with banknotes.
HA!!!!!!! That had to be an interesting day!!!!
He would be up with different growers about every two weeks,
Lots of fun.
This was great! Thank you very much for your kind words! It is very encouraging when I hear someone say the things that Stacie D (@freedomtowrite) tells me all of the time. I have some wild ideas and I love to get them out there. It is hard sometimes because I am still trying to find my way on steemit, like what will I contribute. I don't want to make too many videos haha. I am kind of in the place where you just want to explode your ideas in all of the different tags haha.
Rule Number One! ALWAYS trust your Wife loll she only wants the best for you so for her to lie makes no sense!
and I only spoke the truth!! I know a great speaker when I hear one and you Sir are one!!
As to Steemit....... just be yourself, like you seem to be doing and you seem to be doing very well too doing just YOU!! If you try to get too tricky people will see that for the tick that it is and stop watching or reading.
And last I am the one that needs to thank you!! You made me think and for that :D I am so happy!! :D
Yes! Dog gone....you are very encouraging!
sadly, we are not free at all. Maybe we are free to think how we like to but even that is being influenced by modern media and the like. Take the instance of ads. TV ads are repeated till the customer thinks he needs the product badly and ultimately buy stuff that ends up as junk. I have a few myself like an onion cutter which did not cut at all and its lying around
My husband is a salesman too. Your father would have been a very charismatic person. Nice reading about him
He was!!! :D
and I agree with you and I try very hard not to watch too much TV just for that reason.
Thank you for your wonderful comment and reading my post!
Good question!!! The answer is no, to all of the above ha ha. I love your new gif!
HA!!!!!!!!!!!! :D and Thank You!
Grandpa was a master salesmen, I think dad gets that from him. I agree with you though that that part of human interaction is being lost. We barely talk to anyone anymore. We had to make it a rule at work you must CALL in if your sick rather than TEXTING your manager. Some argue its the same, just easier but its not. A lot is lost, esp. Tone. A lot can be misunderstood or overread or overlooked. I too fear voice will become a rare choice of communication. Very well written!
He WAS!!! :D and I'm sure Mark does loll though he will not admit it loll :D well, maybe now :D
Is HUGE and so lost in writing most times.
So true! And thats how things get misunderstood.
so well said
Thank you :D
That's the point you got, People say we are free does not mean they don't eat, drink, sleep etc. But they have to do this and it is considered as a work/