This is a very simple question. One that I have often wondered, though perhaps not in those specific words. My curiosity shall remain it would seem, for this world is either too immature, or too eager to be offended to even consider it a valid question.
Sure, there have been studies that have sought to answer this question in the past. And from what I have read, they consistently show that white people tend to be smarter on average than black people. But each study is followed first by outrage, and then by scrutiny towards the test conditions.
I agree that all studies ought to be scrutinized, especially in this regard. Intelligence in itself is a difficult thing to measure, and the environmental effects on intelligence is an added complication. But it is the unnecessary outrage towards the question that has prevented us from repeating the test under adequate conditions in order to find a reliable answer.
This, I do not understand. Why is it an offensive question to ask? It is a commonly accepted fact that black people are faster runners than white people on average. You need only watch the Olympics to see this demonstrated. Why then do people not cry racism when it is questioned whether there may be a biological disparity between the intelligence of differing races, when it is already accepted that there is such a disparity between physicality and race?
Another thing I find rather funny, is that it's another widely accepted fact that different breeds of dogs have different levels of intelligence on average. Is it not simply common sense then that these varied levels of cognitive function would also apply to a fellow mammalian species- us?
It's all rather ridiculous to me. A lower intelligence does not equate to a lesser person. So why do people act as though asking this question is the same as classifying black people as a sub-human species?
I would love to know the answer to this curiosity of mine, for no reason other than to confirm my own suspicions I suppose. Nevertheless, if you are one of these people who decries any attempt to uncover the truth of this matter, do me a favour;
Shut the fuck up.
I'm not touching this with a ten-foot pole. Not even with an eleven-foot hungarian.
Define intelligence.
Last I heard there about 14 different measurable forms of what could be called intelligence. How many does the simple IQ test account for?
-Would this be the only measure of potential success?
-Would this be an indication of some sort of superiority even if it were the case?
-There is no simple answer to this question.
-West Africans are among the highest earners in the US when they immigrate here along with east asians, jews, and a whole other slew of non white "races."
-This really is a subject most people dont want to dare touch, but why shouldnt it be discusssed in a civil manner?
Am I supposed to be offended and butthurt that east asians and jews score higher on IQ than those of so called white ethnicities, that I through no intent or effort of my own am lumped in with?
Why shouldn't I be looking at the most sucessful members of society and trying their methods of life, culture, and values?
Wow, I look forward to the day people like you become the majority on the planet. We are all robbed of learning from the tried and proven methods of successful cultures because people with an inferiority complex feel a need to constantly look for ways to proclaim themselves: the smartest, the best looking, the most everything.
OMG, on most social media sites they'd have you skinned alive and crucified for such a question. And the comparison with dog breeds :)
Anyway, over the past few months I've read arguments like 'math is racist', 'grammar is racist' - why not 'intelligence is racist' and abolish IQ as white privilege?
Yes it's an insane world. In a recent post I spoke of the potential for a plant-lives-matter organization arising and protesting to have fruit and vegetables removed from the stores. It was obviously a joke, but one that I wish sounded a lot more far-fetched.
It's a taboo subject for good reason.
Someone saying black guys are stronger than white guys isn't being controversial because we see lots of evidence pointing in that direction.
When it comes to intelligence, it's completely different:
The current measure of intelligence "IQ" was created by Nazis to prove they were a superior race. It's hard to take it serious given the obvious bias at its inception.
A black person that could read would be sentenced to death in the U.S. a hundred years ago.
Blacks in the U.S. are disenfranchised educationally. Some would say the mere facts whites have tried so much to keep blacks uneducated is a clear sign blacks are intellectually superior to whites. Why would a smart person try to keep a dunce from getting an education? That makes no sense.
West Africans have the highest test scores in the world, yes, that includes Asians. These are blacks who have been fortunate enough to have never been enslaved by whites.
Why are the historically free blacks much smarter than their American counterparts? Given white supremacist logic, american blacks should be better since they have a splash of white DNA, but they are significantly dumber than Africans.
I personally think black people are significantly smarter than whites. It's most evident in babies. Black infants do every single thing before white or Asians on average. They start talking sooner, start walking sooner, learn how to use a potty faster, anything you can think of.
Even black Americans are doing pretty well when you factor all that has been done to keep them at the bottom.
Like I said, white people are the ones who don't want to have this conversation. Cause it will force them to admit a truth that makes them very uncomfortable.
Whites might actually be the least intelligent race when you study the different races objectively.
I've had a super busy few days and have fallen seriously behind on reading people's posts, but coming to your page just now and starting with your horror story which then led me here, dude, LOL.
As much as I hate it, and I really fucking hate it, we currently live in a world dominated by the PC police. (I think it means pretentious cunts?) Basically we live in a world where being authentic is a crime. The new witch hunts are for those who use 'inappropriate' terms or ask 'inappropriate' questions. It's fucking annoying as hell. But there's no way it's changing in the foreseeable future.
I will always cheer on your boldness in fighting it, I just hope it doesn't lead to a serious sense of disillusionment when it doesn't seem to do any good.
Though I do have to ask, are you really that curious about the question you posed in this post? Or were you more curious about the response and potential outrage the question would inspire?
BTW I love your half black half white arse, hee ;)
Lol. No. I am not curious about the question posed in the title. But, I am curious as to whether people of different ethnicities have different levels of intelligence-- or differing levels of any other human traits.
You know this title was just to get people to actually click on it. Has to be done nowadays.
I guess this is a dangerous subject :)
Why is it dangerous? Because it has black people mentioned it?? What, so you think that means there must be guns involved??? FUCK YOU, RACIST PIG!
haha, nope:)) but I know that some people on the both sides get triggered too easy
I am very happy you understood that to be a joke. I wasn't too sure before hitting post, but wasn't about to change my mind and delete it either.
As I said, dangerous subject :)))
Well, black people from West Africa or descending from West Africans (such as most black Americans) are on average better sprinters than white people.
But this in not true for black people from East Africa, who are on average better long distance runners, but poor sprinters.
The same considerations should be done for "intelligence" or smartness. There is not one single definition of smart.
So, your question "Are Black People Dumber Than White People?" cannot be answered with Yes or No.
Yes you are right, and I am aware of all that you have mentioned. The title is intentionally provocative, the real question I would ask is simply, does race have an effect on intelligence?
The title is essentially my interpretation of an outraged person's interpretation of the aforementioned question.
I would not even ask this question, because there is no universally agreed upon definition of "race".
You're just being difficult now. Lol. You just spoke of the different physical traits among East and West Africans, so it is evident that you know exactly what I mean.
I believe your comment may be inspired by the article "there is no such thing as race?"
I read this article a while back, and while I don't recall much of what it said, I do remember getting the impression that it was pseudo-scientific and serving an agenda. I seem to recall they even cited a 50 year old study as their main convincer too.
Race may be only a word, but there certainly is a shared understanding among the overwhelming majority of humans as to what it means.
The environment is everything that isn't me.
- Albert Einstein
I have been wondering how this works. My post has the word environment in it, so this bot searches through a database of quotes for one with the same word, and then spams my post with it. Clever.
However, the regurgitation of better men's words does not equate to wisdom, so your name ought to be annoying-little-bot.
Spam my post again and I will give your daddy a new brother. Let's see if you're wise enough to understand what that means.
I'm loving your posts today - it's great to see someone posting something on Steemit that pc libtards are afraid to discuss - America is the home of reverse racism, but that is all fine...
I guess no zionist controlled funding is going to be going on any studies to actually work this out.
How many blacks have finished the Tour de France in the past 50 years? And how many whites have won Olympic medals in sprinting?
As you say, it's OK to discuss this sort of stuff if it's only about dogs.
Smartest -1st Border Collie, 2nd Poodle, 3rd German Shepard
Lol. Yes, I have never given much of a fuck political correctness, or appropriateness in any regard for that matter. I mean good though- I just don't care if anyone decides to perceive it as bad, because that's on them- not me.
A more interesting trait that I believe they can apparently measure in dogs, is loyalty. Can you imagine if someone came out and said I think whites are more loyal than blacks? Shitttt,, There'd be riots lol.
I had to check!
Most Loyal - 1 Pyrenees, 2 Shetland Sheepdog, 3 German Sheppard
Those f*cking [Nazi] German dogs, always 2 places behind... Clearly the jealousy caused by this disparity is at the root of European Dog Supremacist groups, who need to oppress others in order to come out on top (and from behind). ;D
Completely unsurprised that my dog's breed isn't on this list. Lol. He would betray me for a dog biscuit in a second.
I think this is one of the best arguments I've ever seen on Steemit. First you ripped that tossers head off so he called you an idiot and self upvoted his comment. Then you shat down his neck so he called you a moron and self upvoted his comment. Then he came back and called you a liar and self upvoted his comment.
But he has got a reputaion of 38 and $11 in his wallet after only 11 months on Steemit. And he's a pro writer. So you should back off because he's out of your league :)
Last person who argued with him he called them a "stupid raghead twat". I hope he's a troll because the other alternative is scary...
That dude is off his fucking trolley. Lol. I too suspected he may just be trolling me, but another comment on the post revealed he is not.
I was thinking about it this morning, and it's really odd to accuse me of lying about my race. This isn't even something most people would consider, in the given context. Makes me wonder if he is actually the one pretending to be black, and that would just make my fucking day.
I was trying to decide whether this debate was worth putting into a post, because I wasted so much time on it that I had planned to be writing posts with- I decided that was going to far, but then I saw his last message where he disrespects my mother, so fuck it. I will have to find a way to monetize his stupidity a bit later. Wanker-