I would like a challenge for tomorrow, and so I am requesting suggestions for very tough philosophical questions. Anything goes, and the more difficult the better.
Post your suggestion in the comments and I will choose one to tackle tomorrow. I will also send 1SBD to the author of the question I select.
While you're here.. something worth a read that you may have overlooked.
At what point, if any, in the increase in complexity of A.I., artificial consciousness, self awareness, sentience, sapience, et cetera, is it wise to accord natural rights to a human created entity?
While this is an interesting question, it's not ideal for me because I do not believe in natural rights.
Do we eat to live or do we live to eat?
What would you say to the wise man from whom you want to learn about truth and who is inviting you to a cup of tea, who then pours the tea into your cup until it runs over? What would be his wise response to you?
What did I ask him?
This once sounds more like a riddle, and now I am curious as to the answer.
:) You haven' asked him anything yet. You just sat down for a cup of tea, curious about what the wise man is going to reveal you about truth. And he just did.
What would your instinctive showed reaction be in regard to the overflowing tea cup - and what would you say spontaneously? If you got that, the wise man's answer is not too difficult to assume. I leave you alone with this one more time. Curious myself.
In truth I feel I have seen this in a movie or TV show before, but I still have no clue. Give me some time though and I will think about it once I'm rid of the current puzzle swirling around in my head.
do you believe in reincarnation? If yes give your points and proofs. If no, give your points and proofs.
I may address this one in the near future as I do have a rather well thought out idea on the concept.
What's the shape of philosophy?
It depends on how long the kettle takes to boil.
I do like this one. I have briefly touched on this in an old post and wanted to revisit it, but perhaps it is lacking the challenge factor because it's something I have given a lot of thought already. Though I suppose it would be quite a challenge to explain free will coexisting in a world which also has fate, so that's an option. Thanks-
yeahhh....!! ;)
I will send you an SBD in a couple hours when I have some. If I forget, just send me a message to remind me.
Oh wait, actually you done :)
Thanks mate...!!!
Sure, i'll whenever it's possible let me know i'm waiting here for you.
If using violence to obtain personal goals is universally rejected, why do folks refuse to accept any other form of governance?
This wasn't isn't so difficult. Because people are fucking dumb. Lol.
Lol, they should read a book!
I'd argue that the problem is they are reading too many books. How damaging to one's intelligence do you think it would be to read a Kardashian autobiography? Lol.
Oh, god, I am scratching my third eye out now!!
The horror!!
I bet they don't read even those, just mindlessly meld with the flashylight box,...
The Most Difficult Philosophical Question I Can Think Of
To determine our character.
Somebody, somewhere, is getting pleasure out of this joke s/he is making.
To entertain the joker.
This is a big fucking question and perhaps one of the hardest ones to answer. Cheers.