Considering my screenname, I wouldn't be surprised if the first thought to enter your mind when reading the title was "this is clearly satire." Surely no one is so up their own arse that they would genuinely believe themself to be the most interesting person they have ever met?
What an arrogant bastard. Right?
Well, if this was your initial thoughts, then let me assure you that this is not satire. I really do believe that I am the most interesting person that I have ever, or will ever meet. Now, I hope that you will allow me to explain why I don't consider this arrogant in the slightest, and why you too are likely the most interesting person that you could ever spend some time with.
I love talking to people, especially strangers. However, as enjoyable as that may be for me, I still prefer to converse with myself far more than any other. On more than a few occasions, another has walked in on me to find me deep in conversation with myself. Once, I was even interrupted during a three-way discussion between myself and two others that I had invented, and was using my own mouth to word their Irish and Jamaican accents. Needless to say, my family and some of my friends have long thought me to be a bit of a weird one.
This is hardly a shock. Imaginary friends are for children after all. Anyone over the age of five who is talking to an invisible friend of their own creation, is obviously in need of some psychological help. That, and copious amounts of pharmaceutical drugs to suppress that overactive imagination. No, it doesn't surprise me one bit that, within a society where children are sent to school to have their imaginations quelled, those who manage to retain and exercise their imaginations would be labeled as "weirdos."
But what if there is no such thing as an overactive-imagination? What if it is not really so strange or unnatural for one to use their creativity to invent companions they can talk to? What if the truly unnatural thing is to suppress our thought processes and imaginative capacities all so that we might conform to a fucked-up society's definition of normal?
The fact is, your imagination is a very powerful thing. Beyond the obvious benefits that this ability provides us with, such as problem solving and creating content on Steemit, there are a plethora of additional uses that - both unfortunately and ironically - too many people lack the imagination to consider. Take for example, the reason I am writing this post; to share a most beneficial use of one's mind.
The cure for loneliness is a powerful imagination.
There has only been one period in my entire life when I felt lonely. This post is not about that, however, so I won't be going into details. But this lack of feeling alone for the overwhelming majority of my life did have me wondering if there was something seriously wrong with me at a couple of points. Thankfully, I realised some time ago that this is not the case.
I don't feel alone- put simply, because I am not alone. I am with myself, and myself has so very much to offer me. Myself knows exactly what interests me- and what does not. Myself knows exactly what makes laugh- and what peeves me. Myself knows me more intimately than any other person ever could, and so why would I not want to talk to myself at every opportunity I get?
Now, I am not suggesting that it is healthy to go live in a cave by yourself and only ever speak to people that you created in your mind. There is so much to be earned from conversing with others, and many lessons to be learned that one cannot learn through converselfing(yes I just made the word up). But I have found that there is also plenty one can learn about their self by being weird enough to have a chat with their self.
Self-reflection is a practice which is becoming increasingly neglected by our species as the years go on. This is also unsurprising. The consumerist society of today's world has our attention spans at an all-time low, and many of us are forced to betray our innate sense of morality in order to put a roof over our heads and food on the table. Who the fuck wants to take a good hard look at their self and ask if working for that corporation you know to be up to shady shit is really the right decision? No one wants to question whether the steps they took to get that promotion were worth it, or if their significant other would really consider the continuous flirting with that co-worker to be nothing other than harmless banter.
We all have a million reasons why we should not take a close look at ourselves, our actions and our decisions. But, one might find that to use their imagination to create temporary acquaintances, will provide them with the means of confronting their past decisions in a more comfortable, and often entertaining manner.
So, yes. Your imagination can be a very powerful thing. And when coupled with refined visualization skills, it can be far more potent. Our imaginations have been stunted by society, and I suspect that this is no accident. But through will and effort, one can regain what they have lost. And when they do, they will likely find that they will never have to feel alone again, because they will always be with their self.
Well, you are definitely more interesting than me.
Because, my interestingness is, i feel, rather at the bottom of the heap.
I mean, who wants to hear and compare notes about the energetic properties of whatever dustified the twin towers? Just a back of the napkin mathematics... well, using a lot of napkins.... Most people are bored to tears. So, you are definitely more interesting than i.
What i would like to know, is was Tesla very interesting?
Tesla seems to be most interesting due to all the mystery. All kinds of projects that may be nothing more than rumors. So, how interesting on a scale of 0 (me) and 10 (@son-of-satire) would you put Tesla?
Tesla is incredibly interesting. Or at least; what I have learned of the man and his ideas is.
described well.
that title invites readers to see this post.
We either embrace the reality or live in our self deceptions.
Im never alone, either.
Havent been since i was taught to pick up books.
You think reality is not a deception? I have found that far more truth comes from within than from the exterior. Our eyes and ears lie to us all the time. But if we close our eyes long enough and look inside ourselves; we will find out far more about the nature of our existence than we could ever find in a book. Where do you think the authors of these books even found the words, ideas or knowledge to write in them? From within.
Perception is not reality, which requires agreement of another.
Your truth can only be found by you, but until we reconcile our perceptions and agree, we cant have reality?
I can only tell you what is right, or wrong, for me.
You have to decide for you.
Where these agree, we find our realities?
I enjoy reading your post usualy..this one lost might be smart and interesting..but to assume that you are the most interesting person in existence..well thats another story and it sounds all so familiar probably why I lost interest in your least this one..
I think you should read this post again, my friend. It seems you do not understand it. But when you do, you will consider it helpful, not arrogant.
nice post
This post is not nice. Your comment certainly is though. Study the etymology of the word "nice" and you may find some clarity on what I refer to.