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RE: The lies and us

in #philosophy5 years ago

Most humans need to be instructed how to comport themselves. It is not so much that "liars" are rewarded, as much as those who can provide decisions, or even semblance of decisions, are honored. The problem with "truth" tellers are that they either offer no solutions, or inform the muck that they are responsible for their miseries. What the masses need, and want, is someone to decide for them how to live, work, and think. If I threw sand on the floor and told the masses that it was grain, the fools will peck at it and convince themselves that the sand is nutritious grain. What the human heart truly desires is a worthy master to serve, who will provide security, prosperity, and purpose. No one truly wishes to be responsible for their fate and circumstances.


You seem to see mankind as if they were children. The people you are talking about are looking for God, not a man.

Most people live arrested in a permanent state of adolescence. These people are not seeking God, but a wishing-well that will save them from their childish mistakes and responsibilities of life. Besides, what can these people possibly offer a divine master, when they can not and will not even serve their earthly masters?