in #philosophy7 years ago

While we grow up all of us are just little bundles of joy and hope full of dreams. Who didn't grow up wanting to be an astronaut or some comic superhero or Terminator ?
Obviusly those wishes have a very low chance of becoming reality, but at one point in life people dream, and everything is possible because every human being is unique, special and full of potential. And then everyone meets the harshness of society.


Modern human societies are a complex machines that are comprised of many small pieces. If you don't want to be left out of the society you must find your place in this machine.
Good operator of some machine wants to knows how the machine works, and he knows what parts are essential and what are their small roles in a higher scheme of things. And like any good operator he wants the machine to keep running, so obviously he will not allow anything to endanger the safe operations.

Factor X is not a welcomed thing i.e. noone wants to see a shaving machine under a hood of a car. Every normal person would instictivly remove it from the cars engine, because it has no use there. By itself it is a useful tool but it simply doesn't fit in.

Another characteristic of these systems is that role changing is highly undesirable, another example: car battery will only give power to other componets and thats it, it will never be able to pump water.

Don't get me wrong, the social structure we live in gives an entire society an opportunity to thrive but can an individual trully thrive? Can you truly become all that you can be?
Is it realistic to think that you are going to become more than you are right now?

Sure we have all seen examples of people becoming someone important either by chance or through life-long commitment but numbers say those are the exceptions that confirm the rule.


Is it possible to overcome these obstacles with hard work? Sure we can.
Yet still some have beter chances of succees. If you don't know what I mean please compare life options of two young 18 year olds that just finished highschool. One of them is a boy born into a rich family who will surely go to college and the other one is a poor boy who is working to provide income for his family. Who would you rather be?

I strongly believe all human beings can offer mankind something valuable. Each and every one of us has a potential to achieve greatness. If you have found what you are good at, keep doing it. The chances are that the majority will not recognize your engineering skills, or your organizational capabilities, or your artistic side. Just keep doing it, because your gift will influence the people closest to you, and that is what counts. Test yourself, encourage yourself, inspire yourself. You will feel better and the people who mean the most to you will be gratefull.

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