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RE: Elon Musk Thinks You're In The Matrix Right Now - Pick Your Side In The Simulation Argument (featuring new author @oliverb)

in #philosophy9 years ago

I really like Bostrom's simultaion theory. I read and watched a lot of videos in this subject .

One is really interesting: when is the simulation over?
I assume the simulation needs a lot of energy, it cannot run forever.
If we are able to create and run ancestor simulations, it will cost a lot more power for the system, and they need to shut it down. It is possible we are not the first simulation, so the people who simulate us are also a simulation.

Another one could be if we found out we are living in a simulation, because we will act differently.

Also the simulation theory could answer to the fermi paradox, maybe we are alone, because the simulation is focused on the evolution on earth and they will run a more complex simulation later.