How do you feel guys. Do you pay your debts. Are you free. Do you spent your time as you want?
Let's discuse some point of YOUR life.
What is the freedfom in mind?
How money reflect you future as part of this world?
What is the TIME in more complex point and how much humnan have from thgis "resource".
How society exploit and work with every part of your life?
Freedom itself is what you want. No matter what is it , but following the "society" rules based on morale , criminal and personality laws (principles.) Do you enjoy a time you spent of your life. Do you do exactly what you want? Hw much working hours you have? 8h a day? 12h? Almost half of your life you give your time to others producing service that some one else get benefits of. So how much thatr time cost? Can he pay you enough for half of YOUR life time. Can he give you back that time? Can you buy that time from him back?. When the "END" come and everyone wants 1 more second / 1 more minute to take 1 more breath, can he buy it? Ask yourself ths question and find YOUR answers. You should be surpice the answer, and the saddest think is that you cannot reverse that time no matter how much you are ready to pay.
Every man has its time walking on this Earth. Every woman has its time too. Many times i hier the phrase "This is the life", and peoples tell that phrase mostly in shity moments. They are ready to accept every negative moments in theyer lifes with this phrase. I want to tell you somethink :
"The life itself is a simple process. Birth , spending time with excistence on the Earth , and finish the journey forced by natural law of getting old." I 've men an old man lastr year , whos wife dyed in automobile accident in my country. A sad man realising that this accident should'n be happen in normal life , but... it happen. I realise that Human born and in most cases dyed by "unnatural way". Believe me this way is not a phrase "This is the life." This woman if she get born in 16 centuries should'n die in car accident . I am pretty sure.
So i preffer to exclude that case in my research. I was horrified how manny peoples died couse of "unnatural dead" all arround the world , adn ask myself "Did they deserve to finish the path like this". I begin to search the reasons of this, not personal ones , but grouping them with certain criteria. Almost 90% of subjects life is finished not from natures law , but from "our" (humans mistakes.) So the most precios resources of OUR Earth has been cut of. Humans life the only recourse that is limmited in matter of time, emotions and feelings , we gave it to someone else - "For money". To pay our debts, bills and credits, to realise that our life goes for nothing.

How money reflect you future as part of this world?
The most revolutionary method to drive this world humankind has invented is Financial Systems. Banking is our way to communicate with certain orders called "Society". We cannot leave , excist without them. But how much you are ready to pay to be free? To not worry for next tax period ?
Why this system is created to blind ourself with so utopic lie of "freedom". Wait don't answer. You need to rest for the next "workday". A day you need to gift half of it to someone else. How you feel? Do you accept this way of YOUR life. OR your are ready to play your role in this "hunger game", designed by some corrupted minds, in game your are just static object, without life, dreams - time. The money in this world are only chains , draining your time to long theyer . We became slaves of our inovation - called "Money".
Crypto - hte biggest lie of freedome.
I personaly like crypto money idea. It almost fooled me with this kind of words "Removing hte big evil called Banking". And i realise the simple true. There is no big evil. In the momet some have more than the other - the ballance is broken. So we are ready to kneel before the whales begging them for our part of the Season 2 of Financial System. With the same results for ourselfs , but with new storry.
No matter how man call a diggits - dollars , euros , bitcoins or other shits he will be a slave. That diggits will feed the most primal instincts for surviving the game. The currencies need us to leach our time.
So the time has come to ask ouyrselfs "What our roles in this perverse game"?
P.S used reference images from google
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