Dear Steemit,
There is a phrase that goes 'I know it like the back of my hand' which implies you are familiar with how your hand looks. But if you asked me to describe what my hand looked like, I wouldn't know. If i close my eyes, I cannot picture it. I don't know where the freckles are located, I don't know the proportions of my fingers to my palms. I don't seem to know anything about the back of my hands. They're just there. Something I see all the time but I don't focus on.
Except, if something suddenly changed, I would notice. If I got a few freckle, out the corner of my eye I will see it and go, "what's that? It's new."
Why does our subconscious have better memory? Focusing on something makes it more of a blur, and letting our body naturally know make so much more sense. We are never wrong, but somehow, we are. And we even know it.
It's like when you can't think of a word that fits what you're trying to write. "It's on the tip of my tongue," is the common expression. So close, yet out of reach. So, how do you find it? Simple. Continue writing, and come back to it later. Works like a charm!
Another example is when you see a face and recognize it, but you just can't remember what it reminds you of. You can focus and close your eyes and try to force yourself to remember it, but you can't. Then, once you forget that you forgot, it just comes back to you, more often than not.
Once you stop trying to know, you do.