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RE: From Within?

in #philosophy7 years ago is something he talks about in his lectures. He has done a great job of turning many onto higher education. I commend his efforts to 'wake up' many to the insidious totalitarian agenda that is unfolding before us.


Yeah, he has lots of interesting stuff. A lot of things comes out of that man's mouth that others are too afraid to say. Don't of course agree with everything he says concerning his views, but I have a lot of respect for the man nonetheless.

Agreed. The thing that I'm struggling with is the question of just how this man manages to get so much airtime on msm channels as he goes against their agenda. I wonder if he is controlled opposition.

That's a good question. It could be that the mainstream media is actually trying to tear him down, but actually failing with it. To my understanding they usually cut and make things look different than what they are (as they always do) but Jordan has managed to reach beyond that through his own lectures and being on Podocasts where people can see what he actually says which is chosen very carefully.

Yes. The msm has given him a huge platform, helping him sell millions of books, sell out theatres and promote his lectures to the masses. The msm do make mistakes and I want to believe this is one of them but I am cautiously sceptic for now.