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RE: Elon Musk Thinks You're In The Matrix Right Now - Pick Your Side In The Simulation Argument (featuring new author @oliverb)

in #philosophy9 years ago (edited)

"For those who have woken up, they would describe their former existence similar to being "in another dimension". Oh, I like this. And I also like the spiral metaphor. And yes, I agree with you. In looking at my own life, a struggle set forth 7 years ago where I outlied my desire to work for myself, I see myself in a series of spiral traps. Mental traps. The main two incompatible things were this: pure creativity + effort = no money. I had a faulty belief system going that went like this: I cannot support myself financially just by my creativity alone. My creativity is not capable of bringing me wealth because the world's systems do not reward pure creativity, when it's divorced from mass appeal and corporate interests. I couldn't find the tiny trap door that led me to creative freedom, or shall I say, I opened the door in 2009, had almost a year of pure creative freedom, then I ran out of money. But that first taste of creative high was enough to send me on a life mission to cracking the code. Waking up without plans, without schedules, painting, expressing, living, meeting great minds, sharing ideas.....I was hooked. I never wanted to go back to 9-5. But I ran out of money. Found the slavery again, For years. Suffered illness brought upon by corporate environment......I was back in the spiral. My mind was narrow, full of dull minds, and fear had replaced my artistic visions. I crawled, scraped and tried again and again and again. I fell short, always, with money. Money was my curse. Or so I thought. In March I made a firm committment: I will find creative work even if it kills me and makes me go broke. I made the final cut with 9-5 in March 2016, and life has become a mind-melding mix of dreams come true, visions of the future and a health I have not experienced in years.
Many suffering ailments have vanished. I have dreams, visions, again. Life is full of color again. I am finally out of the Matrix, for as long as I have this connection to organic energy and life. Fear recedes, love takes hold. The paradigm shift is real. I am not that former being who was trapped in a cage of boring metal.