Yes, yes, yes! The radicals don't want equality, they want to be in charge. I consider myself a feminist, and am all for women being treated equally, but I don't want us to be in charge of the world. There needs to be balance.
I actually found this post from a link a commenter put in one of my own recent posts about how I hate it that TV and movie producers are changing traditionally male iconic hero roles to female. I think they should leave things as they are with the men, and be creative by making awesome NEW and ORIGINAL heroic women characters. We don't need to appropriate the male characters. It's such a new pet peeve of mine.
Exactly. I consider myself a feminist too in that I think the male mindset has dominated the feminine which has led to the current imbalance in the world. And this takes place in all of us too since we all have both sides like Yin and Yang. I think returning to Nature is the best way to reconnect with the Divine Female. The militant feminists deny there are any natural differences between the sexes and any apparent ones are socially constructed and enforced so it is all about asserting power over others rather than rebalancing the energies.
I agree. Anyone who thinks there aren't any natural differences between male and female are not paying attention. Of course there are difference, and there are supposed to be. It's the same in the animal kingdom. Animals, actually, have the balance thing down pretty well. They know it's not about one being more powerful than the other, but equal to each other in their own unique strengths. Why are humans having such a hard time with this simple concept?
It's an intriguing question. I think certain religious and political institutions teach us that our bodies and Nature are evil so we become estranged and alienated from our natural state. That's why we have these unique problems with sex and gender where animals don't.