hit a nerve? LOL
if I had the time I would troll you, coz you're too blinded by your own gooey goodness to see the path before you.
here's the deal: you are either willfully ignorant OR just intellectually incapable of addressing the cause and effect relationship of a year of leftist brownshirt violence to why people might bring firearms to a free speech event.
You think people should be assaulted b/c they disagree with you?
We are going to see how THAT game plays out as more Americans see the democong behind their front groups antifa/BLM
You haven't "hit a nerve." You're just being ignorant. I live here and know the local people and police. You do not. You can keep pretending that you know something special about cville, but you do not. This place is not the rest of the country, and those other protests are not the same. Yes, I agree that there have been paid protestors, left leaning counter protestors who have been violent, etc. That will never change the fact that open racist fascists are not okay with me. They never will be either. Nice trying putting words in my mouth about assaulting them too.