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RE: Transhumanism, maintenance and the end of death

in #philosophy8 years ago

For me, there is a fountain of youth. It is diet. Specific species diet including clean water that acts as a solvent inside the body not hydration as we're led to believe. distilled water helps draw and flush out toxins within our bodies cleaning us out on a cellular level. Fruits hydrate the human body. Animals are species diet specific but humans eat just about everything on the planet including meats which very acidic in our bodies. Dairy is horrible for us also. Now lots, if not most, would say "oh no here we go again with this crap" or some may even agree but couldn't imagine giving up meats and dairy in there lives among many other things I haven't mentioned due to thinking they just couldn't. It amounts to small changes in one's life whether it's a shower filter or water drinking distiller to lessen things such as Fluoride and chlorine poisoning within the body to really digging deep and detoxifying one's body. One's own body is their universe and really the only thing in life that they are truly in control of or specifically own. This vehicle that we come into this reality owning from birth and it's condition throughout our existence here in this reality is our length of time here. Some are predisposed to shorter life spans through genetics from our family lines, some through the garbage we intake earlier in life from the ones who care for us because they think fried chicken fingers and fries with ketchup and a coke is a "good and healthy" dinner for a child every day for years. I think this is what we all know and have heard before many times over. You get my point.......... garbage in/ garbage out. It's designed this way with GMO's, chemtrails, fastfoods, vaccines, bad water, BIG pharma etc.etc.etc. I mean on top of all that the stresses of just having to go out and earn through working to buy this garbage shortens one's life. I know that the small steps I've taken in my life have helped me considerably, mainly within what I choose to put into my mouth. Educate yourselves and make little changes here and there and I think you'll be very surprised with the results and just how little you crave and want anything to do within the SAD diet realm. You'll live lots longer in the long run too without tech. JMO