Regards the last point, you are definitely - regrettably - right on that front; which makes my research incredibly difficult. The Christians hate me (invariably when I tag my post as such) and the philosophers have me down as a Jesus freak. The New Agies have really bent "spirituality" as an innocent adjective out of shape. The associations with paganism and polytheism and feminism (let's toss that in amongst the goddesses as well) have made saying anything intelligent about the possible added value of spiritualising science near impossible. It takes a highly objective mind to see what can be done on that front and an ego that doesn't mind ending up with less belief in anything than when he started.
Hope you don't let eulogies go to your head for I'd hate for you to have too often an occasion to give one. Unless of course, you suddenly see the Light and become a priest, a rabbi, or an immam and give eulogies for a living. Teachers, preachers, the same difference really...