Great post, I personally feel that when we are having depressive feelings or massive anxiety day to day, it’s just a sign to force us out of the situation. For instance, a message from ourselves to ourselves saying ‘you are doing the wrong thing’.
This could be work related, relationship, or being around toxic people. For me, it was not getting the most out of myself. I’m still figuring it out but I’ve adressed my feelings much better now.
Learning from the past is very important, just as looking towards the brighter future, but the present is all there is and we can learn to love the right now :)
Thanks for the post :) peace!
The present becomes the past as soon as it happens. The present is moving towards the future. The future is where we are headed. The future is where our vision is at for the way and path we take to get somewhere. The future turns into the present, and the present turns into the past. We exist in the present that becomes the past as soon as it happens, but shifts into the future each moment ;)