Haha, fake boobs have never actually bothered me as long as women don't get them due to inadequacy issues, I'm attracted to them all the same. But more or less yeah with the clowns and jokers bit lol. Although personally I'd consider myself an ever so slightly right leaning centrist, but there's just too much fuckery on their end that I refuse to align myself with.
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I'd consider myself slightly left of centrist. But as you say too much fuckery. How can everybody right of Noam Chomsky be a Nazi? Considering that Nazi = National Socialism i.e a hair brained scheme cooked up by the far left. Identity Politics doesn't have very good credibility or character.
I'd consider myself slightly left of centrist. But as you say too much fuckery. How can everybody right of Noam Chomsky be a Nazi? Considering that Nazi = National Socialism i.e a hair brained scheme cooked up by the far left. Identity Politics doesn't have very good credibility or character.
I had a professor last year spend the entire semester essentially telling us that if you aren't a Marxist you're a bigoted fascist, highlighting how if you're A, you need to align yourself with B and everyone in the class ate that shit up because it's easier that way. Nobody wants to actually look into what they're subscribing to, they just want other people to tell them how they should think because it's less effort on their part.
It's a real shame what the communists have done to education. I certainly won't be encouraging my daughter to go to uni. Although she is only 2 so who knows what the world will look like in another 14 or 15 years? The pendulum is always swinging. Only those who are pushing it or those who can duck with good timing survive, unfortunately. Most of those pushing it don't know what for, they just want to feel like part of the in-group. And fuck the 'other', right? Hmmm. :(
In the age of the fascists and nationalists, teach communism and socialism.
In the age of the anarchists and socialists, teach nationalism and fascism.
Tick tock.
If you want to simply end it, eliminate religion, society, and politics, and live your own damned life, and quit meddling in the lives of other people.
How is having a discussion about this topic meddling in the lives of other people?
Oh, I meant that as a general concept.
You can certainly discuss it all you want.
I meant, "Powerful religions, governments, and societal organizations ought to stop meddling in the lives of other people."