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RE: Gender "Equality" Will Never Happen (And it Shouldn't)

in #philosophy7 years ago

Sexual attraction to breasts is a real thing, and just because you don't want it to be "your problem" doesn't make it any less real, or an issue in this particular topic. Regardless of your opinion on the matter, a woman's breasts are a secondary sex characteristic which men are hardwired to be sexually attracted to. My reasoning for being against the whole thing is this. I don't care in the slightest if grown men are sexually aroused in public, and I personally would only have something else to appreciate when I'm at the mall. My issue lies with the fact that 1. Children being exposed to overt sexuality before they begin to sexually develop can be damaging to the psyche. 2. I don't think men should be allowed to walk around with their dicks out either, and I'm sure you'd agree. 3. this is a slippery slope to go down, after something like this becomes socially acceptable what's next? How far off do we get from walking around naked everyday? 4. Feminists go on and on about how we're living in a "rape culture" right now and the world is so toxic to them, and how would this solve any issues? I see woman all the time complaining that they're over sexualized and giving partial nudity free reign isn't solving any problems. You downplay the relevance of sexual attraction like it shouldn't be a big deal, but due to basic human nature it just is. Our brains are wired for it to be, and that's not ever going to change in our lifetime. On top of that, seeing hundreds of different breasts on a weekly basis won't cause men everywhere to suddenly overcome their innate instinctual attraction to them. If that were true then porn addicts would all turn asexual. Sure, I'll give you breastfeeding... I guess? Yet are all woman walking around breastfeeding 24/7? I think you and I both know that the whole movement has little to do with women having the freedom to breastfeed in public, especially since they basically already do. I don't think very many people actually care if someone is breastfeeding in public, and if they do they need to grow up. If your a single parent dealing with a hysterical hungry child in public and you don't believe in formula then who am I or anyone else to tell you that it's wrong to breastfeed in public. Except that when a woman is breastfeeding her boobs aren't blatantly exposed for the world to see, and like I said she's not out doing it 24/7.

And yes, plenty of gay men will pay for that type of thing. The men doing it just won't make nearly as much money as a woman doing it, and like I said in the post. The vast majority of woman won't pay for that, but gay men will. Because men are visual creatures, which is a big separation between us, and a large part of the reason why I'm against nudity in a public space.


Well I am not a man so I can't say if they would be decensitized by seeing breasts on a regular basis in a (non) sexual context.

I do know that many porn addicts have to find more extreme pornograghy because they do become decenitized to the run of the mill porn offerings.

What I can say is that I appreciate you taking the time to critique my response, and I agree that although we disagree, it's always great to read other viewpoints that challenge your own thinking. Cheers!!