If the end if the universe ends all it would make change absolutely true because at the time it stops, so does time and space. If time and space continue past that point, so does change. Absolutely true from start to finish. An argument for or against eternity can never be proven by a human for eternity is beyond the capabilities of limited understanding for it is the unlimited itself. Truths endure the limitations of small musings regardless of whether you or I consider it a null point, objectively true or perspectively true or completely false.
A truth does not care what either of us think.
Well, if time doesn't exist, how can it hold any quality or function?
exactly my point
well, that's how we come to evaluate it...
pointless circles man. my point is that we can't know
So, absolutely your point? ;)
i guess bad phrasing.
The title should have been "There are no absolutes" like someone already pointed out.
I think I could make the argument there are only absolutes. That since there is no past or future just the now. Everything and anything that exists has no other option than to be exactly as it is now. The illusion is believing it can be different.
well yeah. if there is no past or future there are no absolutes since everything will be frozen still. but then again there would be non-existence.
Where is the proof of existence?
there is none