Nature only lives in the present, reacts to current circumstance and diversifies for the future. Life has one goal. Continuance.
This is the only future plan that nature has and it is a plan for which it has no awareness but acts completely upon. Built-in processes run that continuously succeed in reaching the goal yet with each success comes no celebration or pat on the back.
The reason for the lack of self-congratulation is due to nature being too occupied with the task at hand, the task of the now. When the goal is continuance, by definition, development must continue.
Each success of nature brings with it both a solution to a past problem and variety of new problems that require immediate attention. Natural evolution is a constant operation of expanding and trimming of skills with the aim to continue movement and with each movement comes a new set of experiences that requires more development to handle.
On top of this each change also effects the environment in a multitude of ways and as one organism strengthens, it gains an advantage over another which causes that one to renegotiate its environment. This is the most complex and interconnected set of movements that can and ever will be.
This process is endless and timeless and exist whether or not there is a witness to it. Nature does not play favourites, it plays diversity. The patience of nature is eternal or non-existent depending on which way you look at it as, when there is only the now, patience is unnecessary because an expectation of a future does not exist.
The past is also gone but the tools from the past remain. The development that has taken place has a legacy but from natures standpoint in the now, all importance lays in what is, not what was or what could be. It is not attached to carrying any particular tool and will use them all without preference. It will randomly apply the tools to things and some will survive, some won't.
When it comes to our role as humans in nature, we have the arrogance to believe that we are hurting it with our actions. We are not hurting it, we are changing it, just like an ant colony would if it doubled in size, or halved. We are introducing many new variables which nature will negotiate the way it always has, in the now, all simultaneously and randomly.
What we are doing though is making our species continuance in nature increasingly unlikely, or more likely, shortening its potential drastically. We need to realise that humans have come about in the last 2 million years for a reason.
The air had the right mix of oxygen, the temperatures were suitable for our bodies, the plants and animals provided enough nutrients and we became intelligent enough to become aware of all of this. Understand we are only one rock in an immeasurable universe.
So we need not worry at all about nature, nature will continue in its now state forever, but the imbalances we are creating in it are not benefiting our growth and survival. The problems we are creating, we must solve ourselves and we do not have the luxury of an eternal existence in which to do it. And it is unlikely nature is going to balance it for us again to survive since we are to it no more and no less significant than one of the ants in a single colony.
Honestly, with all I see in this world on a daily basis, all of the argument and lack of willingness to understand our challenges as a society and global community, I do not carry much hope that we will succeed in maintaining an environment in which humans survive for long.
Nature won't miss us though, for as soon as we are gone, we stop being a variable to worry about and adjust for.
[ a Steemit original ]
I really love your posts Taraz! I read most of them. I haven't read that one yet but I look forward to it.
I am glad that you enjoy them and take the time to read much further down the importance list. :)
Seems like we humans could learn a lot from nature. Great post!
Followed :)
If we can learn from anything, I'd say it is not a bad rolemodel
Thats a higher form of life/intelligence. People are searching for it in churches and space communication centers... Makes me wonder about old tribes who worshiped animals and nature. That was worldwide religion long time ago.
They worshiped it and only took what they needed. Once we got organised, we could become collectors and protectors of what we claimed as ours. including our ideas.
That was wonderful. Thank you for posting that.
You are very welcome.
Nice Article on nature
In short best Article of the day i read yet
I am glad you like it and found some value for yourself in it.
lovely article, its good to see some genuine content on here that is interesting too :-)
I do try to get some out occasionally ;)
Really, there is some here but it gets buried fast usually.
Welcome back anytime.
well written enjoyed the read
Glad you enjoyed it.
Nice post my friend. Dropped you a follow, you can follow me at @looking4llamas. Looking forward to your future posts!