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RE: Ideas Never Die

in #philosophy7 years ago

regulation too me feels like a dirty word now, like a middleman trying to flog you his stuff because his business neighbour is doing well, i've found governments always want to tax or regulate something they don't understand, if they see money signs and they are not CUT in they wrap it up in 'regulation' - for me it's a belief in the value of what a crypto currency can do, you can put whatever value on it you want for me, i just want the ability to use the process to exchange value.

i'm not a trader i'm not interested in bitcoin being 5k/10k (or more) i'm not in it to make a buck, i'm interested in a better, open, cheaper (eventually) digital currency that works better than what's currently been out there for years. paypal needs to die, it's done, it's team and what they stand for is almost antique in internet years. we NEED an internet micro payments system, one for tipping, small exchanges, quick, cheap, to exchange value across the web, bitcoin (and also litecoin) are those for me right now. having steem come along was a real eye opener that blogging could be monitized as such, i loved that you got paid for involvement, sharing. any of the big boys like fb and reddit could have done but they did'nt. steemit did and it's been running, working. talk is cheap unless you actually demonstrate it working.

my opinion is that the governments of the world work on notion of things running unoptimized, it gives them a place for them to be wasteful and 'lose money' through the cracks, back handers, stupid money spent on stupid services with 'authorized downline companies' friends of friends that they can farm out work too. the idea of open, transparent scares them to death because if their world was exposed you would see a hive of poorly constructed tenders for projects and absolutely unbelievable costings, we have too many 'grey suits' in the positions of power fleecing the system and playing the game. they won't let the new talent in. call it ego, generational, whatever it is, that's what we are fighting against. i worked for a local government as a computer operator for over 8 years and i can tell you, it's a shit storm in there.

bottom line is the idea is out there now and like some of my favorite scenes in V for Vendette, you simply cannot stop an idea, it's obvious that the world has a requirements for a crypto/digital currency, if it's not bitcoin it will be something else, we will alway have an underlayer to any technology that the system, the man or the 'normal's decide to build - on every coin there is another face. .


Yeah inflation kinda makes budgeting lazy and ineffective since people can just print to no end.. well i personally think the two worlds will come to meet in the middle, although I can't visualise how things will be in that sense..