There is another aspect of - confronting your emotions rather than hiding them. for example "boys never cry" is a common notion in the society. Many men hide their emotions and build a defensive outer shield to depict themselves as strong but what i believe is we should break these shackles and embrace our emotions.
i remember during an office party last year our team started discussing about emotions after getting drunk and the senior manager who earlier was a Navy Officer, gave a piece of advice to everyone to be open and confident about the way they feel. He told openly that there are times he cries when he is alone at home and he misses his family, but it is important he considers this healthy.
Anyhow nice article by @writingamigo
Yes, I totally agree with you! However, I think you are talking about feelings here, not emotions. Emotions are nothing to be proud of, in my eyes. Feelings, however, we must embrace and observe, and show!
I see it as this - emotions are usually misleading, based on momentary situations and only make us weak. Feelings are what make us humans and bring righteousness to our lives. I cry too because I have feelings! However, when I cry because of my emotions, I am just not being able to face the truth. I don't know if I made it clear enough here as those two terms are very similar, but yet, so different.
i got your point, thanks