in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Scientific findings are arrived at through research. Research is simply the process of arriving at dependable solution to problems through planned and systematic collections , analysis and I interpretation of data. Research is the most important too for advancing knowledge , for promoting progress , and for enabling man to relate more effectively to his environment , to accomplish his or her goals, and to resolve his conflict , it is devoted to finding the condition under which certain phenomenon occurs.
However, numerous factors hinder scientific research effort in west Afri


This is the most serious problem facing research effort in West Africa, most countries in west Africa have a very high level of illetracy for sample, the 1993 census in Nigeria put illiteracy level at 81% , although there has been a steady progress in education in Nigeria , many Nigerians are still illiterate , the same is true of country such has Ghana , Gambia, Cerium etc

Many people in west Africa tend to have a special linking for secrecy, Even in government establishments, information that otherwise would be for public consumption is considered secret. People dislike any activity that appear nosing around or trying to probe them

Most of the required equipment materials for research are not readily available because of lack of funds. Many policy makers thinks it is waste of investment investing in innivating technologies, when many of the country lack adequate transportation, reliable water supply , electricity etc
They fail to realize that scholarly research will make this things possible . Many key decision has been taken without the necessary data to support there implementation.

    In cases where effort have been made to research into certain phenomena, their result are always not made use of. It is common to luck up important results of the research that would have improved the living standard of the people . This lack of patronage the few researchers to do more .


The modern achievements of science and technology discusses above are largely products of the technologically advanced part of the world . The major problem we face in Nigeria today is that we have not adequately succeeded in acquiring modern science and technology . We have neglected to develop our indigenous technology in areas where there are great potentials .We must organize ourselves to acquire modern science and technology and apply them to serve our needs. This partly means that many more young people must be encourage to study science related courses . The current admission ration in Nigeria tertiary institutions that favour management courses is a disregard f government policy of 60:40 ratio in favour of science . The trend must be discourage by proving appropriate incentives and the necessary tools to do science .