I have heard the argument coming from both sides that "we have facts and they just rave on their emotions!".
This statement is utter bullshit. Every moral and poltical conviction is based on emotions. Freedom, Slavery, Aggression, Honor, Justice are all basically emotions. A man is free when he feels free, Justice is what people feel is just. There is no way to objectively describe honor or aggression. This might also explain why I think the NAP is not worth the paper it is printed on.
The main goal for every human should be to live out his primal urges as much and as long as he can. To have a family, the wish to be loved by others. Having rules and systems that enable a better emotional state for everyone involved is what I would want to achieve in politics. Nothing more and nothing less.
People tend to think that our brains are in a way disconnected from our body, but our physical form is much deeper connected to our mind than many people think and emotions rule our mind. The question is only if you admit that or if you reject that because this ugly truth does not fit your narrative.
I am pretty sure that a few of us who choose to "live out {our} primal urges as much and as long as {we} can" would get into a fair bit of trouble. ;c)
That being said, I do believe that there is valid scope for emotions. Emotions help us to invest in that which we do. Logic does not.
Logic can help us to invest in worthwhile causes. When it comes to choosing which path to take then I believe that emotions should take a back-seat to logic, and then come to the fore to help drive one forward.
Its an interesting topic. Thanks.
Thanks for the comment, path. I am actually writing a post about why emotions and logic are not even necessarily an oppposite atm. In logic you have preconditions and at some point you have to judge something on wether you feel it is true. You have to have a set of truths (a so called basis) that you cannot validate further.
Yes I totally agree that we as a collective do not see the very REAL connection between our brain and body. We quite literally think, then feel emotion, then move because of that emotion. It's quite simply that! And to ignore that...to let someone else influence your mind without any vigilance as to WHAT is being put in there... is simply ignorance!
Great post here @thatgermandude. I'd love to hear your thoughts about my recent post: Do The Little Things In Life Really Matter?
Perhaps the main cause of emotion is more important than fact is because of social media because many of us see social media that shares information not in accordance with facts, thanks @thatgermandude already written about facts and emotions
Social media kinda proves that emotions are more important to human. An emotional touching story will always get more shares than an information that might be important but triggers no emotional response from the readers. Good point.