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RE: Are we living in a simulation?

in #philosophy7 years ago

I agree. As intetesting as it may sound, i dont believe we are living within a simulation. And if we do become post human, then humanity has already kicked the bucket.

But what is this universe and how was it created? I certainly dont believe in the big bang because something cannot come from nothing. Only something that exists can come from something that exists. Those who disagree with that are welcome to provide examples exempt from this simple truth.

''(7) we are dreams in the mind of a sleeping god''

Again i return to hermetic philosophy and the kaballah for it gives a very powerful answer to this question. The principle of mentalism states that ''the universe is mental, held in the mind of the All''

Its reasoning runs as follows: firstly we must imagine or define what God or the All is, and according to the kaballah God is everything that exists and you cant get much bigger than that. Now because we all exist now, and as stated earlier we know that something that exists must come from something that exists we know that something must have always existed since if ever for a brief moment something did not exist and there was nothing then we would not be here now. Additionally we know that something that exists cannot become nothing (energy is transformed never destroyed). So whatever the All is we can reason that it had no beginning nor will it have an end, its eternal. All energy is within it (omnipotent) all information (omninescient) and it exists everywhere (omnipresent). There is no 'outside' the All, for if something were to exist outside the All then logically it cannot be said to be the All. Its immutable, indestructable, etc as nothing exists that change or destroy it.

Okay, once we have in mind that this one eternal being exists and we are part of it, then the next question is the universe, the universe is not the All because it had a beginning, and it changes, but how was it created?

There are only three ways something can be created. 1. I can build a house using matetial external to myself like bricks and wood, but this option is not available to the All since no material can exist external to itself. 2. I can procreate by separating and dividing a part of myself (a sperm cell) and merging it with another part of somebody else (the ovum of a woman), but again this option is unavailable to the All since the All cannot be divided,nothing can be separated from it. 3. The final way we can create is mentally with our minds in this way i can create a house and a baby in my mind without dividing myself or using material external to my self. According to hermetic philosophy this option is the only way the All can create. So the universe is a mental creation, held in the mind of the All.

One may say well how do you know God or the All has a mind? This relies on the second principle of corresspondance, ''as above so below, as below so above''. Basically because we have minds we know that whatever created us must also have a mind since something without a mind cannot possibly create something with a mind. Any who object to this simple truth are welcome to provide examples to support their belief. We know that the All is alive since something without life cannot create something with life. So the All is like infinite living mind.

There ya go samuel. Chew some mushrooms on that thought!! God dreamt or imagined us all into existence but God doesnt need to be a slleping God since it is possible to imagine or dream while awake. But who knows? All the best