Why Do We Hold Doors for People?


Why do we hold doors for people?

Maybe, just maybe, simply to get a 'thank you'

Those words on their own hold little weight,
they offer no reward or value
as words are just sounds until we attach a meaning to them.

So what reward to we reap when we hear that simple 'thank you'?

We receive not praise or a pat on the head but the acknowledgment that, no matter how small or simple, our act of kindness was appreciated.
The recognition of kindness, for kindness' sake....

That, I think, is why we hold doors open
for random strangers


I love this! It really makes you think about the small and unconscious choices we make on a daily basis without giving it a second thought. Interested to see more of your posts!

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Or of course you could do it not to be appreciated, just because you are a decent polite human being.

I dont think its a conscious desire to be appreciated, just one of the many subconscious/unconscious motive behind the everyday actions we never take time to reflect on.... I nobody ever thanked you for such small acts of kindness would you still do them? At least I've seen that the people who dont give thanks to such small acts of others seem to be people who dont hold doors for others, just a personal observation tho