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RE: A little bird told me

in #philosophy7 years ago

As always, a fantastic read.

Turn it off, cut it out and then look into the mirror and take responsibility.

I wonder how many couldn't handle that responsibility after a life of blaming someone else for their shortcomings. It's easy to ride on a wave of self esteem when only focussing on the good parts of the self, but I wonder how many would be crushed by even the thought that a minor failing was their own.

Just to play devils advocate...

If everyone were critical in their thinking, do you suppose that would make progress slower?

Not in a scientific way, but for culture or politics, anything that generally requires more discourse than something that can be proven as fact. The current way allows a few, loud, bold or confident, to lead a tacit hive mind of willing, blameless participants. I'm not suggesting the progress would be in the right direction, however it surely would be quicker when met with less resistance.